What is Ostenil®?

Ostenil® is a treatment for the symptoms of osteoarthritis. It can be used in the knee, or in any of the other joints in the body that are classified as ‘synovial’. Despite supporting scientific evidence, it is not commonly used within the NHS but has been used privately and within sports medicine for many years with great effect.

How does it work?

Ostenil® is a solution containing hyaluronic acid. It is injected into the space in the joint that contains synovial fluid and works by restoring the normal balance between the breakdown and production of hyaluronic acid. This effect of Ostenil® means that it can decrease pain and stiffness and improve the other symptoms of osteoarthritis.

What can I expect if I decide to have treatment with Ostenil®?

If you decide to have treatment with Ostenil®, it will be injected directly into the joint affected by osteoarthritis. You will probably not notice any benefits immediately after the injection, but you should gradually start to feel less pain and stiffness over the next few weeks. The improvement in your symptoms should last for several months.

Once the effects of the first injection wears off, you can, if you choose, have another.

Are there any side effects?

The hyaluronic acid in Ostenil® is very pure and is manufactured using a process called fermentation. It contains no animal proteins, which means that it is very unlikely to cause an allergic reaction. Ostenil® has been given to thousands of patients and has not been found to cause any serious side effects.

What treatment options are available?

At the Back Care Clinic, we use Ostenil plus® with excellent results.  This can be used in conjunction with Hydrocortisone injections or as a standalone injection.